Resoltech® 1050 / 1053S / 1059S 
- nastavitelná doba zpracovatelnosti od 10min. do 14hodin.
- dobrá UV odolnost
- vytvrzení při pokojové teplotě
- teplotní odolnost TG až 75°C
- vynikajcí smáčivá schopnost pro všechny druhy výztuží
- technický list (v češtině se připravuje)
Advanced epoxy laminating system formulated to manufacture high performance structures with or without post-curing. The system is suitable for the manufacture of large structures and composite parts by contact, infusion and injection moulding. It features an adjustable working time from 15mn to 10 hours, a max. Tg of 75°C, optimised viscosity and low toxicity to the user. It is possible to release the parts from the mould without post-curing. The resulting structures will have very good mechanical properties. The system is also suitable for casting and filament winding applications.
Resoltech® 1800 / 1803/ 1805/ 1807/ 1808
- nastavitelná doba zpracovatelnosti od 18min. do 7 hodin.
- velmi nízka viskozita a vysoká smáčivost
- dobrá UV odolnost
- teplotní odolnost TG až 120 dle druhu použitého tvrdidla
- vynikající vlastnosti po vytvrzení za pokojové teploty i nižších teplot
- epoxidový systém pro infuze a injektáž
- technický list (v češtině se připravuje)
Advanced infusion and injection epoxy resin system with an extremely low viscosity for fast and safe wetout by infusion and injection. It features high mechanical properties, and a constant low viscosity right until gel time. It therefore offers reliable impregnation and air release throughout the infusion or injection process. Suitable for very large composite parts. It is suitable for both tooling and parts manufacturing. Typical applications include large marine structures, wind turbine blades, moulds for pre-preg production.